Upgrade - April 2024

Outlook Mobile App (iOS) is Now Supported

Modified our O365 add-in to be compatible with the Outlook Mobile App on iOS.

Public API’s Now Available

Released the first version of our public API with the corresponding documentation and OpenAPI spec. Endpoints are focused around listing and retrieving signature’s data and rendered signature artifacts.

O365 Add-In (technical improvements)

  • Redesigned our add-in signature delivery endpoints to improve reliability and speed.
  • Added telemetry to assist in future troubleshooting.

Improved Support for Shared Mailboxes

Enabled options for shared mailboxes – the signature that is inserted may either be the one that has been created for the shared mailbox account, or it may be the signature belonging to the logged-in user. This is a user setting, configurable through the Dynasend task-pane.

Option to Disable the Signature for Replies/Forwards

Added an option to allow the user to NOT use a signature for replies / forwards. Note: This is an account level setting, configurable by us. The option to disable the reply/forward signatures will be OFF by default on all existing accounts. If you want us to enable this option for your account, please let us know and we will set this up for you. Once the option has been activated, the reply/forward signature will still be in use for all your users, however, they will be able to open the Dynasend task-pane and disable it if they wish.

Outlook-Safe HTML Coding Feature Added

O365 Web (and perhaps “New” Outlook) no longer supports the HTML “nowrap” formatting tag. As a result, in some cases, unexpected word wrapping might occur. For example:

     Senior VP of Sales and Marketing

might appear as:

     Senior VP of Sales
     and marketing

We’ve added the automated interjection of HTML non-breakable space characters between words to overcome the instances of unwanted wrapping.

Fixed the Problem with User Selectable Banners

We were unable to offer the option to make banners user-selectable (via a drop-down menu item on the user profile portal) due to a bug. This has been fixed. Note: By default, programs are set up to have the banner assignment left in the hands of Dynasend Managers. If you would like to let users select their own banners, from a drop-down menu, please let us know. (Managers will still be in control of the library of banners – adding and removing banner options as needed.)

Improved the UI for Users and Managers When the AD Sync is Configured

Data imported from AD is now displayed on the user profile page, both in the data fields and in the live preview of the signature.

A button has been added allowing the user (or manager) to toggle between the AD data or user entered data.

This improvement should clear up what has been a very confusing situation.

Added Support for “Custom Addresses” at Multiple Locations

Some signature programs allow users to select multiple locations – for instance creating a signature that includes Los Angeles and San Diego. This is done via the use of multiple location drop-down selectors on the user profile page. We now have the ability to let the user create a “custom address” for either their primary or secondary location.

Enhanced Output for CSV Files

The CSV file export feature now exports all user data fields, rather than the limited fields it exported previously.

Updated the Auth0 Authentication Process

We’ve upgraded to Auth0’s latest authentication technology – adding a minor efficiency in the process of logging-in (the user’s email address is now auto-populated, rather than them having to manually enter it).

Added Option for User-Specific Graphic Images

We’ve added an option for users (or managers) to upload a graphic image into their signature directly from the user profile page (the expected use is primarily for adding small award and credential logos). Note that this feature will not be available in existing programs unless it is requested.

Roadmap for the Near-Term Future

We have three items that we will be focusing on over the next couple of months:

  1. Get the Dynasend O365 Add-In listed in the Microsoft App Store (thus making add-in deployment easier)
  2. Bring the user-authentication process in-house (rather than using Auth0). The process will be roughly the same – an email sent to the user’s inbox with either a four-digit code or a magic link (we haven’t finalized the approach yet).
  3. Enable Microsoft Azure/Entra ID SSO for the Dynasend add-in.