Modern Email Signature Platform for Office 365

email signature it video button email signature it video button

With over twenty five years of experience working exclusively with email signature development, Dynasend is the go-to email signature platform for thousands of companies worldwide. We apply our expertise to every project, large or small, to deliver customized email signature programs tailored to the needs of our customers. We’ve tweaked our “hands-on” approach over the years to provide the right balance of assistance, leaving you in control of day-to-day signature management without stressing you over the complexities of HTML coding for email and the configuration of databases.

Leveraging Microsoft’s Outlook/O365 add-in API email signature events, our corporate email branding platform is:

  • designed by experts;
  • reasonably priced;
  • efficient to set up;
  • quick to deploy;
  • ultra secure;
  • easy to manage;
  • intuitive to use.

We differentiate ourselves by taking a “less is more” approach – in other words, we make this easy for you!

email signature process

Our service has been designed around three defining constructs: