Entra ID SCIM Setup & Provisioning

When logged in as a manager or developer, click connectors and then Azure SCIM Provisioning:

Dynasend SCIM server setup

The inital configuration requires you to make a few choices (these can be changed later if needed):

Dynasend SCIM server setup

After clicking Create Azure SCIM Server you’ll be given your Tenant URL and your Secret Token:

Dynasend SCIM server setup

Note: If you have multiple tenants you should set up multiple SCIM servers, one for each tenant.

Once you have your Tenant URL and your Secret Token you can complete the provisioning by following these Entra ID provisioning instructions.

After completing the provisioning process, please email us here and let us know that your SCIM provisioning has been completed. We will then complete the final field mapping, so that your data sync is flowing properly.