O365 Technical Information & Documentation

email signature it video button

High-Level Process Overview

Our application is hosted on AWS and uses Office 365 OAuth to authenticate users.

Within our application, we capture the user’s email, which triggers the generation of the email signature. Both the email address and metadata necessary for rendering the signature (title, phone, full name, etc.) are stored in our system.

Once the Outlook add-in is installed, each new email composition, or change in email recipients, prompts a request to our server for the most up-to-date version of the signature. Although signatures are cached and delivered via a CDN, we execute a rapid query to a dedicated endpoint on our server that redirects to the CDN. This ensures that users always receive the most current version of their signature.

In the event of a failure to fetch the signature, the add-in degrades gracefully, allowing email composition to proceed without a signature.