With “developer” credentials, you’ll have access to the entire Dynasend platform, putting you in direct control of all aspects of your email signature program. This differs significantly from the traditional “managed” programs offered by Dynasend, and is designed with the expectation that you meet the following requirements:
- Have the time & desire to take over, or build from scratch, your company’s complete email signature program.
- Possess functional coding skills (HTML / Liquid) and an understanding of database design.
- Have, or have access to, basic graphical image manipulation capabilities.
If you, or someone on your team, is qualified, we will set you up with developer credentials, allowing you to directly create & manage:
- signature content (creating new database fields and form prompts)
- signature layout and styling
- creating & managing signature variations (new message / reply / internal / plain-text / etc.)
- configuring high-level program settings (hidden fields / optional user of reply signature / allowing user editing / etc.)
- configuring Azure AD / Entra ID synchronization
- configuring Enterprise SSO Connections
- and much more
This section of our website is devoted exclusively to developers, and is broken down into these broad categories:
- Program Design Strategy
- Quick Start
- Detailed Documentation
- FAQ's