Qualcomm Eudora Email Signature Installation Instructions

FAQ’s (These may be helpful AFTER installation)

Part 1 - Copying Your Signature to Your Clipboard

Note: If you don’t currently have your signature open in a browser tab, display it now:


In the tab with your signature, press Ctrl-A then Ctrl-C - this will select your entire signature and then copy it to your clipboard.

Note: Mac users will use Command-A and Command-C.

Part 2 - Qualcomm Eudora - Email Signature Installation Instructions

1. Open Eudora and choose “Signatures” from the “Tools” menu. A signature sidebar will appear on the left.

2. Right-click in the signature sidebar and choose “New” from the menu. A box will come up asking you to name your signature. Type in a name for your signature, “My Business Signature” for example. Click OK.

3. Click on the name of your new signature in the signature sidebar.

4. In the text box to the right, PASTE the graphical signature that you have copied to your computer’s clipboard.

5. Choose “Save” from the “File” menu when you’re through editing your signature.

6. To set your new signature as your default, click TOOLS from Eudora’s top menu and pull down to OPTIONS.

7. Go to the Composing Mail category.

8. Set your new signature as the default signature using the pull down menu under the heading “Choose a default signature under when not using Stationery”

9. Click OK.

Note: Hyperlinks in email never work while you are composing or responding to a message. To test your links, compose a message to yourself, and try the links when you have received it and are reading it.