Email Signatures Design Fundementals


Business email signatures typically consist of three primary components - key contact information, company logo, and one or more hyperlinks. Of these, it is generally the logo that drives the layout. Logos can be more-or-less horizontal, squarish / roundish, or vertical. There are two primary layouts that we typically use, depending on the shape of the logo.

Email Signatures Design Fundementals

To provide so layout examples, here’s a link to our sample gallery. Note: This gallery has not been updated in over 10 years, and represents only designs that we have created in-house (we’re software developers, not graphic designers). The designs that we receive from agencies are typically much better than these.

Design Do’s & Dont’s

While we are willing and able to execute most designs, there are a couple hard-and-fast rules that must be adhered to (frustrating as they may be).

use web safe fonts

Web-safe fonts must be used. We generally refer to this ardicle when selecting fonts.

no multi-column horizontal alignment

When a signature contains multiple columns, it is not possibe to hold steady the horizontal alignment across of elements across the columns. Therefore, presenting a design that relies on the horizontal alignment will ultimatley prove dissatisfactory as in actual use the alignment will shift.

Approved and Disallowed Layouts

Content Decisions

no multi-column horizontal alignment

Following is a sort of “master list” of content options. Most signatures will consist of some subset of these items.

  • Person’s photo (round or rectangular)
  • Name
  • Professional credentials / certifications
  • Title
  • Company logo (hyperlinked to website)
  • Company name
  • Physical address
  • Phone number(s) - main, direct, toll free
  • Mobile number
  • Fax number
  • Email address
  • Website link
  • vCard link
  • Bio page link
  • Careers link
  • Personal LinkedIn page link
  • Map link
  • Schedule a Meeting link (Calendly, etc.)
  • Social media icons (hyperlinked)
  • User and/or company specific license numbers required by law
  • Company tagline
  • User specific tagline
  • Special time-sensitive announcements
  • Disclaimer / Confidentiality statement

If interested, here’s blog post entitled “Dissecting an Email Signature’s Content” which provides an in-depth analysis of content considerations.

In addition to the general list above, there may have some specific additions that are pertinent primarily to your, or your client’s, business. Examples include:

  • Link to online catalog
  • Link to sign up for a newsletter
  • Link to “apply now” or “request a quote”
  • Addition of a special award badge
  • Etc.

It’s important to note the following two things:

  • Almost no content request is impossible - if you can think of it it’s likely we can set it up
  • Much content is optional, at the user’s discretion. The signatures will be designed to “collapse appropriately” when optional content is not included by a user. The result it a good finished result, regardelss of the user’s contnet selections.